Today, for episode 30, the final one of Season 2 of the Rawthentic Leadership Podcast, I bring you a conversation with a difference, it’s with me.
Over the past few months I have been approached by listeners with the odd question and so the idea emerged to answer them in a podcast.
I approached the wonderful Trent Rosen, Learning and Development Manager of Canteen Australia (please look them up) and asked if he would interview me as he knew me a little from work we had done together pre Covid but he didn’t know me overly well (he does now!).
It was certainly an experience and I have developed even more admiration of and empathy for my podcast guests as committing to the essence of being real, raw and authentic can also be a place of vulnerability.
Thank you, Trent, for opening by showcasing my business, it was definitely unexpected and obvious that you had done research when I said not to worry. Thank you also for rearranging the questions so that it flowed and adding some corkers of your own!
To everyone who submitted questions, thank you for your thoughtfulness (and a couple of curly ones!). I am not connected with you all on LI but I can give a shout out to Lindel Greggery, Will Martin, Paula Johnston and Bill Sullivan 😊
I hope that the tales from the trenches and lessons learned, that Trent brought out of me, can be of help to anyone who may have been in a similar position or had similar challenges.
Please look out for my wrap up of the year next week where I highlight all the amazing guests from season 2 and let me know of anyone in particular you would like me to interview for season 3.
The podcast is on all major platforms.
Rawthentic Leadership has been ranked number 6 in Australia’s top 25 Leadership Podcasts
We are on a mission to get the message out to the business community about those 21st Century leadership skills that engage, inspire, motivate and develop people to be their very best and achieve their potential.
If you would like to contribute to our mission, however small, please donate here – thank you!
#podcasts #rawthenticity #leadership #vulnerability #storytelling