We’re not just Better together, we’re Braver together!
Picture this, 12th January 2025 in London, temperature is about minus 1 degree centigrade, and you set off to ride the London Underground ‘sans pants’.
Launched in January 2002 with just seven people in New York, The ‘No Pants Subway Ride’ crossed the tracks into the ‘No Trousers on the Tube’ ride with its inaugural appearance on the London Underground in 2009. By 2018 it had spread to sixty cities worldwide and ‘International No Pants Day’ was born.
Why you might ask, would perfectly sound people gather together to engage in something so apparently silly? According to creator Charlie Todd, the point is “to create unexpected moments of joy, delight and confusion.”
I’m curious, would you do it given the opportunity? I think I would but only because of the power of the tribe, having fun with hundreds of like-minded cheeky (pardon the pun) commuters. I certainly wouldn’t advocate having a go on your own to prove how brave you are, that might get you arrested!
The Power of the Tribe
There are 2 points I want to make here. The first is around how much braver we can be to face challenges head on and to dare when surrounded by advocates, supporters and cheerleaders. I know who my tribe is and remain ever so grateful for them.
Our brains are social organs and we are social beings. 200 thousand years ago, we couldn’t survive without the tribe and so it is today, we’re always better together.
Pause for thought and reflection:-
- Who is in your tribe? Who might you have been taking for granted?
- Who is it time to reconnect with? Who needs your advocacy and vice versa?
- Who could you seek out as a new tribe member that will help you to be braver?
- Who are the ones who will help push you out of your comfort zone when needed and the ones who will catch you when you fall or fail?
What’s your WHY?
The second is that, even hidden amongst the throngs of boxers, bloomers and Bonds’ best (or M&S if you’re in the UK), I would most certainly be out of my depth and my comfort zone, but the desire to create a ‘moment of joy, delight and confusion’ would override my fear and embarrassment, because my number one value in life is to bring JOY.
When the WHY is stronger than the WHAT, who knows what we can achieve?
Which brings me to my theme.
Every January I see myriad posts on LinkedIn about “what’s your word of the year?” and frankly I skim over them and move on because I’m not ‘that sort of person’. Or so I thought. Having read about the pantless tubers, I changed my mind and decided that ‘Brave’ was going to be my word of the year.
6 months ago, I moved to a new City. This means that I need to get out there and make myself known so that I can build relationships leading to growing a potential new client base and live my mantra of helping people to work smarter, lead better, thrive in change and build great teams.
I love writing, I love making observations and sharing them, I love creating new models, mnemonics and acronyms that will help learning to stick and help people to grow. When it comes to speaking, the bigger the audience the better (because I can get my message across to more), BUT to get me talking to camera and posting on social media is something that’s akin to riding the tube on my own without skirt, trousers, shorts or even pant(ie)s – terrifying for all concerned!
Brené Brown put it best in her book ‘Daring Greatly’ – rather than asking “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” instead ask, “What’s worth doing even if I fail?”
So, it’s time for change, time to be brave, time to hold on to my WHY and to forge ahead with the WHAT and all with the support and encouragement of my tribe. I’m also embarking on a new venture, more of which I’ll share in my next infrequent episode of BrainBuzz!
My commitment to myself is that, by the end of January, I will have posted my first video on LinkedIn – you heard it here first
If you had or have a word for this year, I’d love to hear about it and especially the context – why have you chosen what you have and how will it carry you through?
If you’re curious about the ‘No trousers on the Tube’ tribe – click here and if you’re a music lover like me, enjoy this little number by Jack Johnson, ‘Better Together’
That just leaves me to wish you a stupendous, phenomenal, wonder-filled 2025 in whatever way you see fit and thank you for being a part of my tribe.
Oh, and if you’re interested in facilitating phenomenal change in your people, let me be the one to help weave that magic! Here is a brief list of my signature programs, most of which can be delivered virtually:-
- The BrainSmart SOCIAL Leadership Academy
- Leading Teams through Change
- Story – a Leader’s Untapped Superpower
- Harnessing Team Diversity and Inclusion
- Getting to Grips with Unconscious Bias (I was a recent podcast guest for this important topic)
- Building Resilience and Thriving in Change
- Creating Productivity Habits of Excellence
To find out more, head over to https://brain-smart.com/
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