Professional Speaking
We deliver regular keynote, plenary and seminar presentations at Industry Associations and Professional Conferences on the theme of ‘Change Your Brain’ specialising in Leadership and Change.
Securing a speaker for your conference, seminar or forum is a major responsibility. You want to feel assured that what’s promised is what’s delivered and that event attendees come away feeling energised, enlightened and inspired to action or change.
Clare is an accomplished speaker and speaks from the heart with genuine enthusiasm. Her speaking style is animated and informal yet respectful, with a good touch of humour thrown in.
Whether your goal is to have current belief systems challenged, raise the bar on performance or to provide a fun and engaging interactive session, Clare will sit with you, listen, understand and customise her topic to capture your audiences’ hearts and minds.
Keynotes, Plenaries and Seminars
Clare has created the 'Change Your Brain' series of keynotes, seminars and plenary sessions. There is no such thing as ‘off the shelf’ keynotes or presentations so it's essential for Clare to work with you to customise the message to your audience in order to achieve your goals and outcomes.
Please click on each of the speaking topics for more information or visit Clare's Speaker Website:
Speaking Testimonials
Clare recently presented a keynote on 'Moving from Working Harder to Working Smarter' at our Global Recruitment Network (NPA) Conference in Sydney. She was inspiring, motivational and engaging. There were many takeaways and discussions between our members afterwards on how we can begin to change our habits for the better. Clare used evidence based theories on brain thinking and simplified her message as to how we can use this in our day to day as recruitment owners. I would highly recommend Clare.
Yvonne Kelly, Co-founder Driftwood Group
Clare is a pleasure to work with! Her presentation on "Thriving in the challenge of change" at our recent EA conference in Sydney was really enjoyable and full of great insights. She is an engaging speaker with loads of energy and passion. I can't wait to work with her at our future conferences!
Christy Wang, Conference Manager, Intrepid Minds
I have had the privilege of having Clare present at quite a few of our events and she never disappoints - she is one of those speakers that I just love to listen to. She is a passionate, dynamic and engaging speaker and has the ability to command a room. Her presentations are always full of energy, amazing insights and practical real world examples. Clare is able to break down the complex theories of neuroscience, so they can be easily understood by the audience. She teaches you how to harness the power of your mind so you can improve yourself and your productivity at work. I would highly recommend Clare to speak at your next event.
Tamara Wright, Institute of Managers and Leaders
In my role as Creative Director for Wired for Wonder, I helped curate the speaker program. I approached Clare Edwards to speak as I know she is an accomplished and engaging speaker. I felt that Clare had something important to add to the change thinking theme we were presenting at Wired for Wonder. Her work in the area of positive psychology and her ability to convey her message through great story telling were just what we were looking for.
I highly recommend Clare as a speaker not only for what she brings to an event but also for how she brings herself. Clare was a delight to work with, very easy going, accommodating and helpful – event organisers love it when speakers are like Clare.
Toni Powell, Creative Director, Wired for Wonder
Ready to find out more?

To discuss speaking opportunities for your next event,
please call Clare on +61 (0)408 736 994