Today I bring you a conversation on, what I believe is, an under-utilised leadership attribute – that of intuition, and my guest in conversation on this topic is Raf Seymus, CEO and Founder of Stellar Labs, an innovative startup, focused on training the workforce of tomorrow through brain friendly, science based learning.
Our conversation begins with Raf sharing how he went from potential Olympic fencer to starting his career in the commercial sector of shipping and then the social sector of working with justice-involved youth and the role that intuition took in guiding his career.
Some of the salient points of our conversation include:-
- Not knowing the trajectory of your career but trusting your intuition that each decision is a good one
- The role of empathy in coaching
- Defining intuition and steps to take when something doesn’t feel right
- The role of reflection in accessing your intuition
- Can you teach intuition? If so, how?
- What is Industry 4.0 and what impact will it have on talent retention and learning in the future?
- Intuition in leadership in the age of Covid.
Raf’s company website is https://www.stellarlabs.eu/ and he can be contacted on LinkedIn here
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