The date was the 20th February 2002, so 2002 2002 and I was attending a spiritual workshop being facilitated by a friend on the topic of intention and manifestation.
I wasn’t in a good place; I had left my well-paid corporate career a few months earlier with the intention of creating my own training business, but the day I was due to launch turned out to be the day of my mother’s funeral [she had passed away on the 23rd December]. I was scared, uncertain what the future would hold, and very lonely. Oh and I was also single and had been for a long time.
At 2 minutes past 8, so on the 24 hour clock that’s 2002, our workshop leader Chris asked us to set a powerful intention, to really get in touch with our heart and our emotions and then to let go of how that intention might materialise.
I went home that evening, turned on my computer under the stairs, and created a little slide of the map I had drawn out that summarised my intention. Then I filed it somewhere.
Fast forward to November 2004, I was packing up the house to move to Australia with the most wonderful man I had met two years earlier in August, at a music festival. Jason was from Queensland and travelling in the UK and Europe and our friendship grew to the point where we knew we wanted to ‘give it a go’.
In one of the last boxes that I was sorting out, there was a piece of paper at the bottom. I pulled it out and realised that it was the intention map that I had created 2 1/2 years earlier.
This is the actual document I created under the stairs
As I looked at the timeline, the tears came, along with the insight and the ‘aha’ moment that maybe this intention setting stuff wasn’t so woo woo after all!
I met Jason in August 2002 and by September we were in a relationship. Almost every timeline panned out exactly as I had intended, except for the June timeline of buying the house [he moved in three months earlier in March!]
For me, the insight was around intention setting and manifesting (for the more rational people reading this it could also be pure coincidence!). But the feeling of that ‘aha’ moment has never left me; I can teleport myself back there in an instant.
Wishing you an abundance of ‘aha’s, insights and eureka moments!
Thank you Universe (named God in the timeline).
PS. We gave it a go, moving to Australia in December 2004, marrying in September 2008 and we will celebrate 20 years of meeting at the festival this August 2022!
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