Today’s first episode for 2024 is a little different. I recently launched my White Paper – The Social Factor – The Science Behind the Future of Effective People Leadership and today I present it to you in audio format, as some people prefer to listen than to read.
The White paper introduces you, the listener, to the concept of Social Leadership. It opens with the big picture and the challenges faced by todays leaders, examples being the gap between what leaders believe that employees want and what they really want and need. We explore the myriad demands of today’s leader and the potential cost, mentally and emotionally.
We cover the people leadership journey – ‘from Crisis to Conviction’ and why the focus needs to be on developing leaders both formally and informally.
The Changing Face of Leadership tracks leadership Development over the ages and what 21st Century leadership looks like today in the Social Age.
The White Paper then introduces you to the concept of Social Leadership and the social cognitive neuroscience underpinning this approach.
The SOCIAL Model of Core Needs is presented in terms of elements, scope, detail and a detailed description of each element; how the absence of these needs can create a ‘threat’ response, and ways we can reduce this to create ‘reward’ responses in our people (the concept of threat and reward and also explained).
We each have a unique ‘point in time’ hierarchy of needs and this is explained in the paper, together with applications of the model and a case study of how it is being used by a global engineering consultancy.
Finally we look at balancing the focus on people and performance and the consequences of focusing too much or too little on one or the other.
If you would like a copy of the white paper, please head over to https://brain-smart.com/social/ and if you would like to complete the Hierarchy of Needs self-assessment here is the link https://brain-smart.com/hierarchy-register/
Finally – we’d love to hear your feedback so please engage with in the Social Leadership Conversation on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/beingbrainsmart/
#socialleadership #podcast #rawthenticleadership #thefutureissocial #leadershipdevelopment